365 Magical World

Call it home ???

After more than 6 years in Bangkok/Thailand, we were facing a significant change in our life mid 2021. Macs was transferred back to the headquarter of his employer.
Hence we had to find a home in Germany. This task didn´t turn out as easy as finding a home in SEA. The real estate market in Germany is pretty tense currently, or to say it with other words, the market is pro seller.
Eventually it took us 7 month to find a suitable home. The biggest trouble was to find an interesting object yet being able to attend viewings with the dense work load Macs had to follow.
Meanwhile Niki spend more than 6 month in Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, enjoying family time, before moving to Germany for good.

First in October, Macs discovered a nice house, but didn´t want to put too much hope into it. Experience showed, that nice houses sold quick. We believed to have found the perfect home for us several times, and were disappointed by a quick sale to another buyer, or simply couldn´t afford the price.
So with this object, that was a good bit above the limit we had set ourself. After seeing the expose, the house looked suitable for us, but the price tag was simply to high, so we didn´t follow further.
Until in late November the house showed up again. We used the two biggest german real estate market places to search. 


The first time Macs got to see the house was in the second week of December. Another family was there before, and some other came later. As usual the competition was not sleeping.
After that first viewing, the “paperwork” started. Macs had to talk to a financial consultant to get the credit sorted out. But since we were seriously looking to buy a house for about a year already, we were well prepared and already in contact with a reliable consultant.
Within 2 weeks we received the confirmation of a bank to finance the amount of money we didn´t have in savings.
In the first week of January we clarified everything with the real estate agent, and on January 17th, after Niki had seen the house for the first time (in the morning) the contract was signed at a Notary in the afternoon..  
All the necessary paperwork took about 1,5 month, and eventually in early march the house was ours.