365 Magical World

Denmark weekend getaway

Macs Fero

A public holiday on Monday 03.october, so long weekend in Germany. Hence we decided on short notice to go to Denmark for a family getaway.

We made a reservation through booking.com for a three night stay at an Holiday Appartment in Give near Billund.

It took us about 9 hours driving from our home in Germany to our “homestay”. Traffic at the A1 and A7 highway in Germany was very bad. Bit eventually we arrived, fell into bed and slept tight until morning.

Our first da was dedicated to sightseeing. Marcus who had spend almost every year of his childhood in Denmark took the lead to introduce the family to all the places he remembered from numerous holidays. So we went to Skive, Kybehus, Glyngøre, Nykøbing and Nr. Vorupør.

The community building in Skive
Fisher boat on the shore at Nr. Vorupør
Salling Sund bridge from Kybehuse
A crab clamp found at the beach

We had fish, soft-ice and a lot of fun at the beach, even though the temperature was only 15°. On the way back to our homestay, we had a very nice dinner at the Apollon Restaurant and Cinema in Struer.

Nothing better than the Gamle Dags Ice-cream cone
Very good food at the Apollon

To be continued……

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