365 Magical World

On our first trip to Japan, we flew to Tokyo via Shanghai. The outbound flight was relaxed and no issue at all. Later more about our flight back. We arrived in Tokyo late in the evening, and took a bus to our hotel near Disneyland Tokyo. We spend our first day in Japan with sightseeing and Hard Rock Visits (Yokohama, Ueno Eki and Asakusa) . The second day was dedicated to more sightseeing and another HRC (Ropongi). We walked a lot and saw places like Akihabara, Harajuku, Shibuya, Shinjuku and Tsukiji Market.
On the third day we spent a rainy day in Disney Land.

Our next destination was the famous Mount Fuji. We took a bus from Tokyo right to Fuji Kawaguchiko. Our first time in a typical japanese Ryokan, with futon beds on the floor. We were surprised to experience the cold temperature and some snow, but we made the best out of it, and explored as much as we could.

The third destination on our trip was the old capital Kyoto. A wonderful city with lots of temple and historical places. We visited Fushimi Inari, Arashiyama, Sagano Scenic Railway and Higashiyama.

Osaka was the last leg of our trip around southern Japan. With two Hard Rock Cafes (Osaka Universal, Osaka) on our list, as well as a restaurant to eat a delicious Kobe beef steak. On the day of our arrival, we took the opportunity to go shopping in a huge outlet (Ringku Premium Outlet) center near the airport. We visited the old castle of Osaka, and Shinsaibashi shopping street.

The return flight to Bangkok was the most adventures and troublesome part of our holiday. Actually we were not aware, that the flight via Shanghai was carried out by two different airlines. So on arrival in Shanghai we had to face the information, that we had to take a transit visa, go out to collect our luggage from the conveyor and check in for our next flight to Bangkok. The time we had for all of that was pretty short. But with a good teamwork we made it, and arrived back at home with a lot of nice memories, but the felling that it was not enough.

Japan Autum 2019