On a short notice we decided to travel to Denmark for a weekend. Because of the renovation of our new home we couldn’t have a family holiday together. Hence we planned our getaway on Wednesday and went to Denmark on Friday. You can read more about that in another Blogpost.
After we spent the Saturday sightseeing around the north east of Denmark, we had a special surprise for the kids on Sunday.
At 10 am we sat in the car and drove to Legoland Billund. Only 10 minutes drive from our „homestay“, we reached the theme park shortly after it opened it’s doors.
Once the kids saw the Legoland sign, they where super excited. We had done our best to tease them in the past couple of days with hints, but until the last minute they didn’t find out what our surprise destination would be.

We had a super fun day with lots of carousel and roller coaster rides, and some sight seeing at the Lego village, where Miniature buildings give a little glance into some beautiful places around Europe.

In the end of the day the Lego shop ant the exit of Legoland was our final destination.

The kids enjoyed the day so much, they keep talking about going again every single day since we went.
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