365 Magical World

The first time we spend a winter holiday together, lead us to Switzerland and Austria. We found two nice places in Switzerland to stay for a couple of nights on AirBNB.
Both were located on a high altitude, so we had wonderful view of snow white mountians in the morning, and a bit of experience to drive in the snow. The kids were happy with any kind of snow, since Lily and Benjamin were not yet old enough to understand what it means, and Sena had little experience with snow at all. So they didn´t mind that the snow was hard, basically ice because it started to melt during daytime and froze at night.
However we managed to go for sledge riding twice, and we had a lot of fun doing that. We also went up to the summit of the Jungfraujoch were we survived an outside temperature of -15° Celsius.
We went to Genf in the south of Switzerland, and Zurich in the north. On our arrival date we passed by Bern to visit the Christmas market there.

Our second destination was Innsbruck in Austria, and on the way to Innsbruck we passed Liechtenstein, to tick another country off the long list of countries to visit.

Innsbruck made it to our list because of the local Christmas market and the Hard Rock Cafe in the center of the city.

After one night there we went further on to visit my parents near Berlin to spend Christmas with the family.

A quick visit in Ibbenbüren and a dinner with Fabian and Linnea was our last stop in Germany, before we flew to Manchester. We were invited to stay a couple of days over new years eve with Niki´s aunt near Manchester. We took our chance to drive to the north of the British island to see as much as we can. So we went to Edinburgh and Glasgow with a brief stop in York on early New Years Eve afternoon.

After a nice sightseeing day around West Yorkshire on 01.01.2019, we drove to London on the second.

We spend 1 1/2 days of super quick sightseeing in London, visiting Hard Rock Cafe of course, before we had to leave back to Bangkok via Frankfurt on the 4th of January.

Another wonderful holiday end with lots of memories.